IB Diploma
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At the International School of Nice, our high school follows the IB Diploma Programme for young people ages 16 to 19.
Once students have completed the pre-IB Diploma years in Grades 9 and 10 of high school, featuring courses aligned with the IB DP standards, they have prepared for the IB Diploma Programme in Grades 11 and 12.
The IB Diploma Programme was founded as an international passport to higher education. It is known as a leading university preparatory curriculum, gaining recognition and respect from renowned institutions across the globe. You can see our results for the IB Diploma here.
The IB Diploma and the ISN High School Diploma
Students ages 16-19 years prepare to excel by way of this academically challenging yet balanced two-year programme of education.
IB Diploma and Bilingual Diploma
- The IB Diploma: is a framework designed to transform senior high school students through high-quality and holistic education, empowering them with the skills and qualifications required to access eminent universities and thrive at the higher education level.
- Bilingual Diploma: In accordance with their academic ability, students can choose their own Language A, which gives them the opportunity to graduate with the Bilingual IB Diploma.
High School Diploma
- Double award: ISN students can complete the IB Diploma Programme and the ISN High School Diploma, enabling them to obtain a double award.
- The double award gives students the opportunity to obtain two certifications: the IB Diploma, which is externally assessed, and the High School Diploma, which is earned through internal grades.
A student who is not a candidate for the full IB Diploma may be better suited to the IB Certificate track or may still gain credit to graduate with the ISN High School Diploma.
Being awarded the IB Diploma
The programme culminates in externally assessed final examinations. Students who achieve a minimum of 24 points out of a possible 45 points can be awarded the IB Diploma.
Once students have completed their four-year high school career and all requirements for graduation, they may graduate from ISN. Graduates may apply to enter local, national and international institutes of further and higher education. This can enable students to gain entry to a broad range of post-secondary education and employment destinations.
As IB organisation research implies, this well-founded route to higher education around the world can enable students to gain acceptance from their first-choice university, often with advanced credit.
The Diploma Programme Core and the IB curriculum
The IB Diploma Programme is composed of the Diploma Programme Core and the IB curriculum; students complete the core, including TOK, CAS and the extended essay, in addition to the IB subject selections offered at ISN.
The DP Core
Is composed of three elements:
- Theory of knowledge
- Creativity, Activity, Service
- Extended Essay
Theory of knowledge (TOK) is an interdisciplinary course that supports students in developing their own ways of thinking and cultivates critical thinking skills. Students’ views are encouraged while their worldview is enriched as they inquire into the nature of knowing and deepen their understanding of knowledge as a human construction.
Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) is an experiential learning component that engages students in an array of pursuits to balance out their studies that may include extracurricular, athletic or service-based endeavours.
Extended Essay (EE) is an independent work emphasising personal research. Students select an area of personal interest in order to write a 4,000-word essay.
In addition to the Diploma Programme Core, students select five subjects and one elective from the following subject selections that are currently offered at ISN:
- Group 1: Study in Language and Literature: including the study of selections from World Literature: English or French*
- Group 2: Language Acquisition: Second modern language: English or French*
- Group 3: Individuals and Societies: Economics, Geography, History
- Group 4: Experimental Sciences: Biology, Chemistry, Physics
- Group 5: Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches HL and SL, Applications and Interpretations SL
- Group 6: Electives: Theatre, Visual Arts, a third language*, a second science or a second selection from Group 3.
Full IB Diploma candidates select five subjects and one elective from the subject selections offered at ISN; at least three of the subjects are taken at Higher Level (HL), the others at Standard Level (SL).
*Other languages can be made available upon request if faculty is available, but this will incur an extra cost.