ISN Nice Collaborates on the Pelagos Agreement
Elizabeth Hernandez and Sergio Galvis
On May 2nd, we were honoured to host Mrs. Viola Cattani, Deputy Executive Secretary of the Permanent Secretariat of the Pelagos Agreement, for a collaborative session aimed at shaping joint activities for the upcoming school year 2024-2025. Alongside esteemed director Mel Curtis and students deeply passionate about Model United Nations (MUN) and Global Politics (GP), our dialogue focused on the essentials of international diplomacy and the role of the youth in the decision-making process.
The Pelagos Agreement, a trilateral pact involving France, Monaco, and Italy, underscores the critical importance of international coordination in ensuring robust governance and the inclusive engagement of all relevant stakeholders within the delimitations of the sanctuary. Its primary mission is to serve as a beacon of collaboration among these nations in managing and safeguarding the ecological integrity of the maritime protected area and its multinational shared coastline. This involves promoting harmonised actions and management measures to protect cetaceans and their habitats from various human-induced disturbances, such as pollution, underwater noise, illegal drift netting, bycatch, and maritime traffic.
Our discussion not only explored negotiation strategies crucial for global stakeholders within the framework of the Pelagos Agreement, but also tackled the pressing issue of the under-representation of women in international climate negotiations, particularly in scientific and political decision-making arenas.
ISN Nice students passionately advocated for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice (DEIJ) principles, recognizing them as foundational to our global community. They emphasised the urgency of including young climate activists, and highlighted the pivotal role of women and gender equality (SDG 5) when addressing climate change strategies, and preserving our oceans' ecosystems (SDG 14), all in alignment with fomenting partnership for the goals (SDG 17). They eagerly await resolutions and outcomes from the 2025 UN Ocean Conference, making specific references to the local coast.
“I found it fascinating meeting Mrs Cattani and hearing about her aspirations for work with our school and the Pelagos Agreement. It is fascinating to me that nations can work together to maintain ecological zones that are so essential to the survival of ecosystems. I believe that collaborations such as these serve as a pathway for important global cooperation." Jack, ISN Student
“Our discussion with Mrs. Viola Cattani was illuminating. Much of what she shared has inspired me and provided much-needed insight.” Uliana, ISN Student
“Meeting partners of the Pélagos sanctuary in order to plan projects with our school is a wonderful opportunity for us to be involved in future learning activities and challenges. It is great for us to be able to give ideas and be part of the decision making process in learning possibilities” Isis, ISN Student
“It is extremely rewarding as an educator to see how the personal individual interests of pupils align perfectly well with their academic interests. Giving them the opportunity to practice in real-life situations what we learn and discuss in the classroom, and sharing their excitement about making a difference as global citizens” Sergio Galvis - MUN coordinator
ISN Nice students, recognizing themselves as "citizens of the world," understand their pivotal role in conserving the Pelagos Sanctuary and advocate for the inclusive engagement of all relevant stakeholders. They are committed to playing an active role in their community by actively engaging as Pelagos Ambassadors. Merging their academic commitments with individual passions and interests, they have committed to participate in activities that foster cross-cultural understanding, international cooperation as well as sustainable development in French, English, and even Italian, prioritising values such as diversity, cultural exchange, and cooperation across borders to address global challenges, including climate change, human rights, and social justice.