Shared Dramatic Adventure
Michelle Van Buuren

The Grade 9 Theatre students and the Grade 1&2 students embarked on a shared dramatic adventure. The interdisciplinary workshop saw the accumulation of explored concepts from both the Primary School’s  How we express ourselves” Unit of Inquiry as well as the High School Theatre student’s prompt: “We are all actors; being a citizen is not living in society, it is changing it. The students practically applied the theatre conventions of Augusto Boal, a Brazilian practitioner who founded the ‘Theatre of the Oppressed’




The Grade 9 students lead the Grade 1&2 students through various physical and vocal warm-up activities before 'Rolling Up' to the main event - a Circus-themed Drama Circle. For this activity, the Grade 9 students supported and encouraged their Grade 1&2 students to undertake the various characters by applying specific performance conventions: voice, facial expressions, movement and gestures.

Both Mr Brown and Ms Stewart were exceptionally proud of all of the students - a wonderfully dynamic session with great fun had by all! 


Angelica - "I love performing on stage in front of others. It is fun to sing, dance and act. The more and more I do it, the less nervous I get."

Elina - "When I am performing I can feel the support of other people and it is like they are giving me their hearts." <3 <3 <3

Charly - "The session today was so cool and I loved playing new games. I even made some new friends in Grade 9".