The Globeducate Academic Olympics, a hallmark on Globeducate's calendar, is a remarkable educational extravaganza where students aged 13 to 14 join forces in mixed-school teams. This year's theme, "Paris, A Playing Field," set the stage for an unforgettable experience in the heart of the French capital.
This year the eighth edition of the event was hosted by two Globeducate schools, Collège EIB Monceau and ICS Paris, from November 21st to 24th. The event brought together 160 students from 26 Globeducate schools spanning nine countries, making it a truly international affair.
Students were tested on their academic prowess and on their ability to collaborate, think critically, and solve problems as a team. The competition featured four exciting activities: the Robotics Challenge, the Sciences Challenge, the Maths Challenge, and an Orienteering Trail that led participants through iconic Parisian landmarks.
One of the unique aspects of the Academic Olympics is the integration of STEAM knowledge (science, technology, engineering, arts, and maths) into the challenges. Participants had the chance to showcase their skills in diverse fields, fostering an environment of innovation and teamwork.
As Jean-Pierre Davasse, Head of School at EIB Collège Monceau, remarked, "It was an honour to co-host the 8th Globeducate Academic Olympics with ICS Paris. We appreciated the support of all visiting Globeducate teachers and the wonderful team spirit that everyone showed."
The event wasn't just about competition; it was an exploration of Paris, a bonding experience with host families, and a celebration of diverse cultures. The event concluded with a magical evening cruise along the Seine River, offering participants a well-deserved break and a chance to marvel at the illuminated Eiffel Tower and other iconic landmarks.
The Academic Olympics 2023 wrapped up with a prestigious awards ceremony at the Sorbonne University amphitheatre, celebrating individual achievements and reinforcing the sense of belonging to a global community.
"An incredible experience with great activities and great people we met! Unforgettable experience!" Sacha, ISN student.
This event, beyond being a showcase of academic excellence, fosters values such as team spirit, respect, perseverance, and a passion for learning. As highlighted by the organizers, it leaves a lasting impact on the participants and strengthens the bonds between Globeducate member schools.
A big thank you to ICS Paris and EIB Monceau for hosting an event that brought together young minds from around the world, fostering collaboration and a passion for learning. Testimonials from both teachers and students echoed the sentiment that this trip to Paris was truly exceptional and left a profound impact on all participants.
"It was my first Academic Olympics, and I already want to go back next year. Thank you ISN Paris and EIB for your organization—it was really rewarding and fun! Well done! Bravo!" Melanie La Roche, Science Coordinator, Sustainability and Eco School coordinator.